
Front cover of become the leader you'd love to follow

 In the simplest sense, a leader is someone with followers. While it’s popular these days to embrace slogans such as “Everyone a leader,” they are simply not true. Leadership is a high calling and should be pursued by those who have the desire, drive, and ability to develop the necessary character and behaviors. Some people are born leaders. Others are developed as leaders. Most should seek to follow commendable leaders. Find your calling, be it leader or follower, and pursue it. Either outcome has value and will serve as a reward for the time you invest reading and reflecting on these pages.  

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Front cover of become the manager you wish you had

Chances are you complain about your manager. The premise of this book is that while it is easy to complain, it’s also a waste of time. The better approach is to commit yourself to become the manager you wish you had. Determine those qualities, characteristics, values, and behaviors that you admire and make them part of your repertoire. This book in the Become Collection will walk you through a series of practical meditations focusing on the work of managers. Each brief chapter is followed by a series of thought-provoking questions that will guide you to become the manager you wish you had.  

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